This morning, still with the absence of our chief, I rode my bike to 芳蘭山莊. I didn't wear the uniform, because my purpose was to record the performance of the friends of NTUT and escape at 9:20 to attend the beginning Deaflympics(聽障奧運) Volunteer training.

This is my clips of the recording.

  I saw a number of acquaintances and ...... "Hello~ Hi~"... to everybody. XD Aha, 亢爺爺! Long time no see!

Photo taken with 亢爺爺

  OK. It's time to go. I rushed back to IB-401 and signed in. Wow~, I saw quite a few acquaintances, Brian, 承宇, 婉詩(she's the friendship ambassador(親善大使) today!)......

  The course began with the introduction to all of the work groups. I wanted to join the receiver group(接待組) because in which I would gain more opportunities to communicate with the deaf. A-ha, wanna take this chance to learn more dactylology(手語) and English. After all, dactylology is useful and common in Tzu-chi(慈濟).

  And then it came a very very humorous deaf lecturer illustrating the culture within the deaf and teaching international dactylology. Deserving to be mentioned, the interpretor's(口譯員) expression was very lively and the speed of her translation was almost 'instant', expressing me so much! All of us enjoyed the lecture.

  Here are some clips of the lecture to share with you:

  Wow, this morning I gained much more then I ever expected, including the physiology and psychology of the deaf, the education, marriage, manners of the deaf, sign language(手語) to express numbers and alphabet, plus some common vocabulary......

  In the afternoon came an activity in which we experienced the feeling of the deaf by conduct some tasks by body language without speaking.

Task: To invite five persons to perform 千手觀音...XD

  However, I sincerely wish that the Deaflypics to come would NOT consume to much resource of the earth and produce to much pollution.= = Anyway, I could think about it in the other aspect: to remind people about the consideration for the deaf. OK, the summer vacation next year, I would try to get something, and I hope to possess basic abilities to help the deaf who I encounter in my living someday, just someday.



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