This morning I overslept. = =    Then I rushed to S301 to attend the Green Tech One-day Camp.    The Green Tech Association(綠色科技研習社) is a newly formed club in my school which emphasize the recycling of the cell phones and other electronic devices.

  As I entered the door, I saw a middle-aged disabled person sitting on a wheelchair, the captain of 身心障礙者自立更生創業協會.    I felt pazzled at first, but later he told to us about his story and the reason of forming this association to discipline disabled people so that they would possess basic technique for bread.    He and 神腦國際快速維修加盟店 are both supporters of the Green Tech Association.

  They were taking cell phones apart as I arrived.    After noon break, Mr. Wu, an unique reportor, gave a speech about the environmental problem coming with the modern technology.    During the lecture, he introduced a book, 寂靜的春天, to us.

  Last but not least, artest Yung-mo Lee taught us to make a pen holder using partly-rotton leaves, cortex and aluminum cores.    Wow~ how an interesting handicraft !    Mr.Lee illustrated that the objective of this course is to inspire us about making ingeneous use of the nature and the respectation of it.

  I also met an old friend and made new friends this afternoon.    Further, there were two persons coming form other schools !    Ha~ a nice day. ^^

my work today

P.S.   Ohter photos missed!! ><    I' replenish later.


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